Community to shape the future of Worthing's West Buildings shelter

Released: Friday, 22 September 2023

The community will be asked to help decide the future of Worthing's West Buildings seafront shelter.

The structure, which was built around 100 years ago, sits on the promenade at the junction of Marine Parade and West Buildings in a conservation area, close to a series of listed Regency and Victorian buildings.

It is currently home to a temporary pop-up gallery, displaying the artwork of local artists with the support of Colonnade House.

We want to safeguard the long-term future for the site as part of the regeneration of the seafront so that it is an asset for the whole community.

In 2019 we signed an agreement with a developer that wanted to build a two-storey restaurant on the site. One of the conditions was that planning permission had to be obtained within a specified period of time.

That condition was not met so, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, we gave notice to the developer in July this year that it had ended the agreement.

In the coming months we will ask members of the community what they think about the shelter and the site, and how they would like the area to be redeveloped.

Cllr Caroline Baxter, Worthing's Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said:

“Our seafront is an amazing asset for the town but for too long it has been allowed to deteriorate.

“A lack of investment and imagination in our heritage has meant that buildings like the seafront shelter have been allowed to decay rather than being given the love and attention they need to keep them relevant for modern day life.

“It's vital we think properly about how we can transform our seafront for the benefit of everyone who lives, works and visits Worthing - with the community at the heart of the process.”

We hope to launch the public consultation in the coming months. In the meantime, the shelter will continue to display community art.

Updates will be provided on our website and through our social media channels.

PR23-126 - The West Buildings seafront shelter on Worthing promenade


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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